26 April 2008

Goodbye Arizona!

This is my blog launch....or blaunch. The focus will be making my travel tales available to my fans. Brevity....blevity....will be the rule.

My old patron, Demetri of Scottsdale, is marrying his longtime girlfriend Janae in October 2008, so I read the winds and did the right thing by pulling the plug on our potential You, Me, and Dupree scenario. On behalf of my boxes, I say "Thanks, D, for 16 years." Goodbye Arizona!

Portland is my new home base in the USA. Sam, a VP at Oregonian Credit Union, is my current patron and is still charmed enough by my travel tales to give me a See-No-Evil Pass. I've seen enough to announce loudly to all that Portland is a pretty wonderful place to be, but...does the sun shine here?

World Writing Tour 2007-8 continues in Japan for May.